During UN’s Climate Action Summit in New York, the UN Global Compact launched the UN Sustainable Ocean Principles, providing a base for responsible business practices across sectors, in line with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
The newly-launched Sustainable Ocean Principles highlight the urgency on tackling climate change which severely impacts on the oceans, resulting to high temperatures, acidification, and pollution from land and sea.
#1 Ocean health and Productivity
- Principle 1: Assess the short- and long-term impact of their activities on ocean health and incorporate such impacts into their strategy and policies.
- Principle 2: Consider sustainable business opportunities that promote or contribute to restoring, protecting or maintaining ocean health and productivity and livelihoods dependent on the ocean.
- Principle 3: Take action to prevent pollution affecting the ocean, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their operations to prevent ocean warming and acidification, and work towards a circular economy.
- Principle 4: Plan and manage their use of and impact on marine resources and space in a manner that ensures long-term sustainability and take precautionary measures where their activities may impact vulnerable marine and coastal areas and the communities that are dependent upon them.
#2 Governance and engagement
- Principle 5: Engage responsibly with relevant regulatory or enforcement bodies on ocean-related laws, regulations and other frameworks.
- Principle 6: Follow and support the development of standards and best practices that are recognized in the relevant sector or market contributing to a healthy and productive ocean and secure livelihoods.
- Principle 7: Respect human-, labour- and indigenous peoples’ rights in the company’s oceanrelated activities, including exercise appropriate due diligence in their supply-chain, consult and engage with relevant stakeholders and communities in a timely, transparent and inclusive manner, and address identified impacts.
#3 Data and transparency
- Principle 8: Where appropriate, share relevant scientific data to support research on and mapping of relevance to the ocean.
- Principle 9: Be transparent about their ocean-related activities, impacts and dependencies in line with relevant reporting frameworks.
We, as signatories of these principles, recognize the urgency and global importance of a healthy ocean, and will take action to promote the well-being of the ocean for current and future generations
… UNGC stated.
In addition, the Principles have been welcomed by Gard, with Rolf Thore Roppestad, CEO of Gard commenting
I am proud that Gard has endorsed the Sustainable Ocean Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. As a leading marine insurer, sustainable maritime development is a fundamental part of our mission.
To explore more click on the PDF herebelow