ILO has issued a revised version of its information note on maritime labour issues and COVID-19 note including a joint statement of the Officers of the Special Tripartite Committee of the Maritime Labour Convention.
The new information note reiterates the importance of seafarers and global trade during these challenging times, focusing on seafarers’ health onboard and facilitation of transit and transfer of seafarers and repatriation.
Concerning repatriation, RMI recently launched a note outlining the circumstances under which seafarers must be repatriated by shipowners or operators
In addition, the revised note discusses force majeure, which is the “the occurrence of an irresistible force or of an unforeseen event, beyond the control of the State, making it materially impossible in the circumstances to perform the obligation” and which excuses non-compliance with an obligation.
The controversial issue of seafarer abandonment is also noted, with ILO highlighting that the measures adopted to contain the pandemic are creating additional challenges with regard to resolving the cases of abandonment that occurred before the outbreak of COVID-19. Such measures might, in
the near future, lead to new cases of abandonment.
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