Geir Jørgensen

Geir Jørgensen

Geir Jørgensen is the SVP Global Head of Loss Prevention in Skuld. He took on the position in 2018. Geir has a BSc in mechanical engineering, and more than 25 years of experience from the maritime business.
He spent nine years at sea on seismic survey vessels, he has done consultancy work helping shipowners with implementing planned maintenance systems and safety management systems.
From 2007 until 2018 he worked for Höegh Autoliners and had positions as DPA, CSO, Head of HSEQ and Head of Crewing and training.
Geir represents Skuld in different International Group of P&I Clubs (IG) committees and is Chair of the Ships Technical Committee in IG. He is also in the CEFOR Technical committee. Geir’s passion is safety at sea which reflects his working career.

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