The Australian Maritime Safety Authority reports that in January they received 52 incidents involving domestic commercial vessels, out of which 11 were serious. The Authority highlights that reporting incidents is a crucial part in guiding the way they improve maritime safety in Australian waters.
Specifically, January’s incidents include:
#1 Passenger vessel: During a crew training session, there was a delay in altering course and the vessel struck two private pontoons. The vessel was slightly damaged, while one pontoon broke away from pylon. There were no injuries reported.
#2 Passenger vessel: Motor failure and power loss caused a house boat to collide with a ferry and lodge under the wing deck. No injuries or pollution reported.
#3 Hire and drive vessel: Speed and swell caused the driver of a personal watercraft to fall overboard and hit his head on the vessel handlebar. He was treated at the scene for lacerations and concussion then transported to hospital for further treatment.
#4 Fishing (Commercial) vessel: Fishing vessel ran aground on reef. Five crew members on board abandoned vessel into dories. No injuries or pollution reported.
#5 Fishing (Commercial) vessel: Vessel grounded on rocks due to broken anchor cable. Vessel was towed off the rocks and sank. No pollution reported.
#6 Fishing (Commercial) vessel: Crew member fell into an open fish holding tank while alighting from dinghy to secure it to fishing vessel. He climbed out of tank and reported he was in pain, then transported to hospital.
#7 Passenger vessel: Bushfires in the region resulted in fine ash causing blockage of sea strainers on vessel. The engine could only operate at a low RPM to prevent overheating. No passengers aboard and vessel continued its passage.
#8 Passenger vessel: After passengers boarded vessel, the main engine funnel began smoking excessively. It was caused by an excess build-up of cylinder lubricant oil that hadn’t been drained through the muffler drain plug. Stack was boundary cooled above and below decks, maintaining the exhaust muffler and funnel below 100 degrees Celsius. The drain was later found to be blocked by carbon deposits.
#9 Passenger vessel: Vessel dragged anchor onto bow of another vessel. Both vessels damaged as a result. No injuries reported.
#10 Passenger vessel: Passenger vessel passed a marina at high speed within 30-metre safe zone and created excessive wash. The wash reached the pontoon causing a crew member with a trolley of food and drinks to loose balance and fall into the river with the trolley. The trolley dragged him underwater but he was able to pull himself out.
#11 Non-Passenger vessel: Vessel partially submerged and taken under tow. The vessel maintained buoyancy due to air pocket in hull however this reduced during towage and the vessel sank. No pollution reported. Location of wreck was marked and relevant authorities notified.
See also: