NAIADES II programme
On 9 January, the Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Committee of the European Parliament held a mini-hearing on the NAIADES II programme.
The first part of the hearing dealt with the integration of inland waterways in the transport chain whereas the second part of the hearing concentrated on the modernisation of the inland waterway fleet. Among speakers and MEPs there was clear agreement that the inland waterway transport sector should be given more attention.
As regards the technical part of the NAIADES II package, the deadline for amendments is 15 January whereas the TRAN Committee will vote on 20 February.
On the same day, MEPs debated the report produced by the Commission earlier this year which is entitled Summary of measures that internalise or reduce transport externalities. The report is a request of Directive 2011/76/EU, the Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging.
Members of the TRAN Committee considered the Commissions report and the related study not ambitious enough for the following reasons. First, the Commission does not consider current and future national projects that will contribute to reduce external costs. Second, the document does not contemplate an analysis of external costs across the different transport modes. According to the TRAN Committee, this mode by mode approach would not be in line with the 2011 Transport White Paper and would not give a complete overview on how external costs are internalised in the EU transport sector as a whole. Third, some Members considered too weak the measures foreseen to make Member States internalising external costs. Finally, Members of the Committee pleaded for a study that would calculate how dues and taxes are earmarked for investments in infrastructures across EU Member States.
On 20 January, the TRAN Committee adopted an opinion to the Environmental, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee of the European Parliament on the Regulation on the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport. To ensure coherence with measures discussed within the framework of the International Maritime Organisation, this regulation would apply to vessels of 400 gross tonnage and above. The Committee decided to tighten the implementation timescale. At the end of the vote, Mr Cramer (Greens/EFA Germany) withdrew his name as Rapporteur for opinion.
On 21 January, the TRAN MEPs considered the amendments to the revision of the Weights and Dimensions Directive. The debate focused on the cross-border circulation of longer and higher trucks. The Committee was again split between supporters and adversaries.
The vote of the Transport Committee will take place in February while the plenary of the EP will vote in April.
On the same day, the TRAN Committee had an exchange of views with the Greek Minister of Shipping, Maritime Affairs & the Aegean, Mr Miltiadis Varvitsiotis. He explained that one of the Greek Presidency pillars is the sea and he said that the blue economy has great potential for growth and jobs, covering 5.4 million jobs. He asked for Parliaments cooperation in having clean and up-to-date ships and added that they aim to bring the IMO closer with the EU for uniformity in the regulatory framework for shipping. The Greek Presidency would also seek progress in Council on the proposal for a Regulation establishing a framework on market access to port services and financial transparency of ports.
Source: ESPO