Tackling global climate change is a concern of all European ports. In this spirit and in the light of the Paris Climate Conference last December, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has joined the “Think Climate” coalition that has been set up under the umbrella of PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure.
Think Climate brings together major international associations with interests in waterborne transport infrastructure, with the objective to help the sector respond to climate change.
By further understanding, providing targeted technical support and building capacity, the coalition has a double aim: first of all, to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, by shifting to low carbon maritime and inland waterway transport infrastructure, secondly, address ways to adapt maritime and waterborne infrastructure and operations to the potential impacts of climate change such as sea level rise and extreme weather conditions.
Read latest ‘Think Climate Newsletter’ to learn more details about the initiative
Also read Navigating a Changing Climate Action Plan
Source: ESPO