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IMO Council Outcome

112th Session, 16-19 June 2014 The IMO Council held its 112th Session (C112) from Monday 16 through Thursday 19 June 2014 under the Chairmanship of Mr J Lantz (USA) and his Vice Chair, Dr D Ntuli (SOUTH AFRICA). It will be recalled that the IMO Assembly (of all its 170 Member States) met at the end of last year and elected 40 of its constituent Member States to effectively act as its executive body until it assembles again in the customary 4 year cycle. The meeting was thus a first for the newly elected Council and much of what was discussed centred around the governance and good practices of the IMO under its Secretary-General, Mr Koji Sekimizu. Such minute detail will be of lesser interest to InterManager members but this short report seeks to highlight those areas which impinge more directly on our business, in particular, recommendations made by the various Committees to the Council.Strategy, Planning and ReformThe Risk Management Framework proposed by Germany, will only be applied to the Secretariat's Business Plan until such time as the Council agrees to revisit the issue. A fundamental review of the Strategic Plan will be conducted by an external consultant as proposed ...

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