Tag: The Netherlands

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The Netherlands to release its largest floating solar farm

The Central Government Real Estate Agency (RVB), Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) and the Port of Rotterdam Authority plan to construct a new floating solar farm in Rotterdam's western port area. Therefore, they seek for the ideal participant to operate the new facility, which is reported to be the largest of its kind to be ever constructed in the Netherlands. The partners announced that they will organise a market consultation on May 8.

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Slufterdam wind farm to produce double power under new partnership

Eneco and Vattenfall will place an enhanced version of the Slufterdam wind farm into service. The 17 wind turbines in the farm that have been supplying energy since 2002, have been replaced by 14 more efficient wind turbines. Consequently, the power has almost doubled from 25.5 MW to 50.4 MW. The 14 wind turbines generate 180 GWh of electricity every year, enough to cover the annual consumption of around 60,000 households.

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Princess Beatrix lock inaugurated in Utrecht, Netherlands

On 6 February 2019 the Dutch Princess Beatrix officially inaugurated the third Princess Beatrix lock, near Utrecht in the Netherlands. The Princess rang a ship’s bell, giving the go-ahead for the first official passage of ships through the new lock. After the inauguration, the new lock will gradually come into service. From March until the summer 2019, the two old locks will be closed for renovation works.

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Watch: Port of Rotterdam presents Internet of Logistics

Port of Rotterdam presents the theory of Internet Logistics, called 'The Dutch Twist'. It is a joint initiative of Douane and partners of Neutral Logistic Information Platform, NLIP. The Netherlands lead the way when it comes to logistical expertise and digital developments. Internet of Logistics enables users to be less focus on the physical documentation, and more on the exchange of data, as well as avoid mistakes.

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Port of Brussels achieves 2018 record

Port of Brussels reached a record in 2018 concerning its cargo volumes, topping 5 million tonnes for the first time since the port's construction, 25 years ago. The cargo traffic rose by 375.000 tonnes, by 7.7% over 2017. Yet, transit traffic was decreased by 15.000 tonnes, providing an overall increase of 5.2% and resulting to overall volume of cargo offloaded and onloaded at the port in 2018 to 7.3 million tonnes.

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Rhine is running dry as glaciers shrink

After a long summer drought, the traffic at one of the shallowest points on the Rhine was halted for approximately a month, resulting to a severe disadvantage to Rhine's transport artery. The impact challenged Germany’s industrial machine, slowing economic growth in the third and fourth quarters. It was the latest sign of how even advanced industrial economies are increasingly fighting the effects of global warming.

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