Tag: sustainability

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California passes bill that calls for 75% reduction in single-use plastics by 2030

At the end of May, California Senate passed the 'California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act' according to which the producer manufacturers and retailers in California should reduce the waste generated by single-use packaging and products by 75%  by 2030 through producing less plastic, recycling more of it, making reusable packaging, or using compostable materials.

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EU Commission: Still room for improvement on Paris Agreement goals

The European Commission launched its assessment of Member States’ draft plans, to implement the EU’s Energy Union goals, focusing on the agreed EU 2030 energy and climate goals. The assessment highlights that although the plans represent significant efforts, there’s still room for improvement, concerning individual policies to be sure of the efficient delivery of 2030 targets.

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Bunge the first agribusiness firm to join Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative

Bunge became the first in its industry to join the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative, an online platform which gathers information from shipowners on key disclosures regarding social and environmental measures. SRTI and its members aspire to tackle challenges in parts of the ship recycling industry, including pollution in the environment and occupational health and safety risks for workers.

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Global shipping growth may conclude to rise of invasive species

A study focusing on global forecasts of shipping traffic and biological invasions to 2050, Anthony Sardain, an invasion ecologist at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, forecasts that the risk of marine invasions will rise three- to 20-fold in the next 30 years. The study explains 90% of the variation in global shipping traffic and a twofold increase in shipping using basic socioeconomic indicators and a temporal validation set. 

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