AMSA: Trends on PSC for 2014
3742 PSC inspections, 269 ship detentions AMSA has released its Annual Report on Port State Control for 2014. By drawing comparisons based on 10 years of Australian PSC data the outcome may be considered, at first view, to be disappointing with the apparent stabilisation of annual PSC deficiency and detention rates over the last 5 years.While there have been modest improvements experienced across a number of areas, the overall picture indicates that the international community's PSC/ FSC efforts are not delivering lasting results. The principal causes of detention remain consistently related to International Safety Management (ISM), fire safety, lifesaving appliances and pollution prevention.It seems difficult to reconcile how well established requirements for fire safety, lifesaving appliances and pollution prevention continue to be such significant issues.10- year summary of inspection, detentions and deficiency rateTop 5 detainable deficiencies 2012-2014Part of the cause for this situation is the increasing focus by Australia on human factors, including operational control, ISM and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006).The marginal increase in the deficiency and detention rates can be attributed to MLC, 2006 to a large degree. The fact that there was no significant spike in detentions or deficiency rates is encouraging given 2014 was ...
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