Tag: MARPOL Annex IV

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Takoradi, Ghana imposes fines for sewage pollution

West of England P&I Club informs about fines that the Ghana Maritime Authority (GMA) has imposed in light of alleged pollution from waste waters discharge. The fines are based on IMO's sewage treatment systems under MARPOL Annex IV Regulation 11.1.2, where the treatment systems are required to discharge effluent with no visible floating solids and not cause discoloration of the surrounding water.

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Sewage Treatment Plant or Sewage Comminuting and Disinfecting Systems, MARPOL Annex IV

RMI - Marine Safety Advisory No.25-13 The Republic of the Marshall Islands has issued a Marine Advisory No.25-13 to increase focus on the condition and operation of sewage treatment plant or sewage comminuting and disinfecting systems.A number of ships have been identified with deficiencies related to their sewage plant or detained by PSC when required equipment was found not in compliance or in unsatisfactory condition to operate.The Marine Safety Inspection deficiencies identified were as follows:- Sewage plant found by-passed while in port, inlet valve seized.- Sewage plant dosing system replaced by alternative means.- Sewage treatment plant not in use.- Sewage treatment plant, components missing.- Sewage treatment plant, electrical wiring tampered with to indicate "ON", while off.- Disinfecting system, no chemicals on board.- Sewage tank found with holes in top of tank.- Sewage discharge pipe found leaking.- Sightglasses, inspection windows and tubes deteriorated, not clear and/or painted.The PSC deficiencies identified were as follows:- Sewage treatment plant not in use while in port.- Sewage treatment plant extensively corroded and holed.- Sewage treatment plant found malfunctioning due to clogged return line.- Sewage treatment plant not in use.- Sewage treatment plant found not functional, inability to demonstrate and/or test.- Sewage treatment plant not as ...

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