Tag: Interviews

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Shipping emissions: lessons learned from the aviation industry

Mr. Julien Dufour, CEO, Verifavia Shipping, comments current developments regarding the inclusion of shipping in ETS and stresses that regardless the offsetting scheme is finally run by either IMO or an ETS, it is important for the industry not to deviate from the initial object; the reduction of the GHG emissions from shipping. Mr Dufour shares his long experience from the aviation industry to describe what an EU ETS for shipping would mean, noting that it will be definitely a ‘complex process’.

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Panama Canal sets the direction to green shipping

In an exclusive interview with GREEN4SEA, Mr. Alexis Rodriguez, Panama Canal’s Environmental Protection Specialist, talks about Canal's Green Route strategy which consists of many initiatives encouraging operators to enhance environmental performance in the industry. Mr Rodriguez says that with the implementation of these green practices, the Panama Canal expects a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions and reveals further projects on the pipeline which will additionally contribute to sustainability and energy efficiency.

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Interview with Nick Confuorto, CR Ocean

In an exclusive interview with GREEN4SEA, Nick Confuorto, President and Chief Operations Officer of CR Ocean Engineering LLC, reveals key issues to consider during the installation process of a scrubber system now that compliance with the 0.5% Global Suplhur Cap is imminent. Given the different fuel rules which apply in ECAs, he suggests that a properly designed scrubbing system is the best option and focuses on the important features that operators need to pay attention when deciding to order such systems.

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Interview with Jordan Wylie, Be Cyber At Sea Campaign

Jordan Wylie, Communications Officer, Be Cyber Aware at Sea Campaign, argues that it is time for shipping companies to prioritise cyber security in their risk registers and assign accountability for managing this risk . Cyber-attack is no longer a matter of "if" but "when" and concerns whole organization; both the senior leadership team, shore side staff and onboard crew members. 'Be Cyber Aware at Sea Campaign' aims to assist in raising awareness of the cyber risks and threats to international shipping.

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Interview with Larry Rumbol, Parker Kittiwake

In an exclusive interview with SAFETY4SEA, Larry Rumbol, Condition Monitoring Market Development Manager (Marine) of Parker Kittiwake, speaks about the advantages of the new water testing kit for vessels which aligns with MLC requirements and highlights the importance of condition monitoring for the industry. Mr Rumbol addresses key challenges associated with condition monitoring and shares company's plans on the agenda.

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Intercargo to examine future amendments to the IMSBC Code

Kostas G. Gkonis, Secretary General, Intercargo, says the 2016 topics and concerns continue in 2017, therefore, liquefaction remains a major problem for dry bulk shipping as well. Dr. Gkonis said that the Association is looking into future amendments to the IMSBC Code and plans to develop a new guide for masters on cargoes that may liquefy to increase awareness on that important topic.

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Industry needs to integrate IHM and ship recycling planning

Mr. Henning Gramann, CEO, GSR- Services has responded to GREEN4SEA questions providing his insight for the ship recycling sector. He said that the preparation of IHM is a significant challenge for 2017 and stressed the need for supporting the shipping industry in the integration of IHM and ship recycling planning in daily routine, otherwise implementation of the new legal requirements will be too 'burdensome'.

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