Tag: Interviews

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Seafarer Stories: Capt. Panagiotis Batavanis, Master

Our ‘Seafarer Stories’ column hosts seafarers’ views who present briefly the key challenges of life and work onboard, providing a picture of what a career at sea actually means. In this context, we are happy to host an interview with Capt. Panagiotis Batavanis, the Master of M/T Cap Leon , who highlights that the safety of human life is the most important thing in any case and especially on board.

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Seafarer Stories: Eleni Lykofridi, Chief Officer

Our ‘Seafarer Stories’ column hosts seafarers’ views who present briefly the key challenges of life and work onboard, providing a picture of what a career at sea actually means. In this context, we are happy to host an interview with Mrs. Eleni Lykofridi who works as a Chief Officer on an oil tanker company and admits that her biggest challenge so far is to be able to cope with a male-dominated profession as a woman. 

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North Club accounts 20-year strong presence in Greece: Key initiatives and future plans

In an exclusive interview to SAFETY4SEA, Gordon Robertson, Director (Greece) and Tony Allen, Director (Greece) at North P&I Club explain why the Greek market is so important to the Club. On the occasion of a 20-year presence in Greece, the two Executives from North Club share key initiatives taken and milestones achieved while they also reveal future plans of their agenda.

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