Tag: ICS

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ICS Chairman calls for economic sustainability

Measures to reduce shippings impact on the environment need to be economically sustainable Stringent measures to reduce shippings impact on the environment need to also be economically sustainable, warns the Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). Speaking at this weeks Connecticut Maritime Association event in USA, Mr Masamichi Morooka told delegates: In a truly difficult economic climate like the present, which for many shipping companies is the worst in living memory, there is really only one issue on the minds of ship operators working on the waterfront and that question is: how are we going to survive?The protection of the environment is of great importance, but we must balance the measures we take with the economic impact of these measures. At present shipping finance has virtually dried up. This is not just for new ships but also for the investments needed to continue operating existing ships in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner, he pointed out.Speaking during a key debate on The Regulatory Environment, Mr Morooka questioned: If a shipping company is already sinking in debt, how is it going to pay for the retrofitting of expensive new ballast water treatment systems that will be required in the ...

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ICS board meets in London

The Board of Directors of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) - the principal international trade association for shipowners, representing all sectors and trades and over 80% of the world merchant fleet - met in London on February 5, 2013.Issues considered by ICS members included:frustration with the failure of Italy to submit a full maritime casualty report to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) following the 'Costa Concordia' cruise ship tragedy which occurred over a year ago; the continuing discussions at IMO and elsewhere on the best means of achieving further carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction from ships; and serious concerns that the IMO Convention on Ship Recycling, adopted to improve standards throughout the world's ship recycling yards, is in danger of being undermined by regional measures being discussed by the European Union. ICS Commits to CO2 MRVThe ICS Board reviewed recent developments with respect to the international regulation of CO2 emissions from ships. This included proposals by the United States and the European Commission, and others, concerning the establishment of a mandatory system of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of emissions (known as 'MRV').ICS Chairman, Masamichi Morooka, explained: "Our meeting agreed that ICS will fully support the concept of MRV, provided ...

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IMO and shipping industry bodies urge continued application of anti-piracy measures

The International Maritime Organization, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), BIMCO, the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO), the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO), the International Parcel Tankers Association (IPTA), and the International Shipping Federation (ISF), welcome the recent decrease in the number of attempted and successful attacks against ships by Somalia-based pirates operating in the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean.This decrease may be attributed to a combination of factors, including: the presence of naval forces disrupting pirate operations; implementation of self-protection measures on board merchant ships and better situational awareness of where the threats are; coupled with more effective action ashore in Somalia by the Somali authorities and the international community.The above-mentioned Organizations remain convinced that the only long-term solution to piracy is to establish effective government and implement the rule of law ashore in Somalia. However, until that is achieved, there can be no room for complacency. Any reduction in the level of protection of merchant ships could lead to a resurgence of pirate activities. Piracy must continue to be suppressed through the visible presence of and robust action by, the world's navies, consistent with ...

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