IACS suggests modifications for pilot ladders in upcoming NCSR 10
IACS will participate in the tenth session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR 10).
Read moreDetailsIACS will participate in the tenth session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR 10).
Read moreDetailsThe IMO Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue Sub-Committee (NCSR) 10 will take place 10 – 19 May 2023 where all matters related to navigation and communication, search and rescue and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System will be discussed.
Read moreDetailsHong Kong Merchant Shipping, has released an information note on the revised GMDSS Operating Guidance for Ships in Distress Situations.
Read moreDetailsThe Liberia Maritime Authority has issued a Notice to highlight that a record of all incidents connected with the radio communication service shall be kept onboard. This applies to all vessels equipped with ship radio stations including GMDSS ship radio stations.
Read moreDetailsFalse distress alerts activated from VHF DSC, MF/HF DSC, recognized ship earth station (SES) and EPIRBs may impose a considerable and unnecessary burden on Rescue Coordination Centers.
Read moreDetailsInmarsat and SeaFocus will examine data from Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) calls made to Inmarsat in order to provide insights into safety trends and reveal patterns at a local and global level.
Read moreDetailsShipping has traditionally been slow in integrating technological developments, but maritime communications are certainly not a representative case. From flag semaphores, as a primary means of ships’ communication, to the GMDSS, the evolution of maritime communications has been long.
Read moreDetailsFollowing a comprehensive review of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), the IMO MSC 105 adopted a set of amendments to complete the work on modernization of the GMDSS and to enable the future use of modern communication systems in the GMDSS whilst removing obsolete requirements.
Read moreDetailsThe IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 105th session was held virtually from April 20 to 29, 2022. Requirements reflecting modern systems for maritime distress and safety communication were adopted and interim guidelines for the safety of ships using fuel cell power installations were approved.
Read moreDetailsGTMaritime has issued a new guide entitled 'The Maritime Communications – A look over the horizon guide' that examines the different types of satellite systems and network configurations, regulatory requirements, commercial communications and crew connectivity, highlighting key considerations for future communications planning.
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