The Antwerp port area one of the most important habitats of animal and plant species that are threatened at European level. Large parts of it are designated as “Special Protection Areas under the terms of the European Bird and Habitat Directive” (Natura 2000). The Port of Antwerp is living proof that economy and ecology can co-exist in a sustainable manner.
A sustainable port policy enables any further expansion of economic activity to go hand in hand with the conservation, reinforcement and even further development of the beautiful natural environment in and around the Antwerp port area.
A balancing act between ecology and economy that is not always simple. Now, more than ever, this is an “and/and” story. And more than ever, it is important that the boundaries of the port area be laid down once and for all, so that residential, nature and economic areas are clearly delineated, allowing all parties involved to develop a sustainable long-term vision.
The Port of Antwerp has received the bronze Environment Award at the meeting of the International Association of Ports and Harbours in Los Angeles. Furthermore, the port was awarded the prestigious Environmental World Ports Award 2013 in Abu Dhabi for its remarkable contribution to the environment.
Source & Image Credit: Port of Antwerp
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