In association with the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the MARPOL Annex I Study (MAX1) is underway on oily water separators (OWS) and shipboard environmental management. The WOC is working to help ensure there is adequate industry input to the study.
The study includes a survey – carried out on an anonymous basis – seeking information on OWS operations and shipboard waste management, particularly from shipowners/managers and vessel crews. The anonymous OWS operations and shipboard waste management survey is at:
The deadline for survey input is Friday, 5 June. Members of the ocean business community are encouraged to participate in this anonymous survey in order to provide information on their experience with OWS systems. The study objectives can be found by clicking here.
A MAX1 Conference (24 June, 2015, North Carolina) will address the study results and the path forward for vessel machinery space waste stream management.
Martin & Ottaway, coordinator of the study, has developed a chronology of OWS issue and regulations.
Source: World Ocean Council
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Thanks for the information on this oily water study. I’ve been wondering how ships managed their waste in order to protect the environment. I don’t really have much knowledge of oily water cleanup. How is it accomplished?