NYK has supported “Kishu Minabe Sea Turtle Research Project” launched by the authorized NPO EarthWatch Japan. Seventeen NYK group employees volunteered to participate in the research which was conducted in July of this year.
Minabecho in Wakayama prefecture is the largest place in the main island of Japan where loggerhead sea turtles lay their eggs, but now sea turtles are in danger of dying out. Research of the sea turtle’s lifestyle has been undertaken since the year of 1990 in Minabecho. This program was held twice this year where participants attached identification tags to the turtles, recorded and measured their shell length and width using a caliper. The measurement and tagging activity is accomplished as the turtles cross the sandy beach to nest at nighttime. This research was under the careful guidance of an academic expert and members of Sea Turtle Association of Japan, a local NPO in a manner so as not to disturb their spawning behavior.
NYK, as a good corporate citizen, recognizing environmental issues as a significant company challenge, will contribute to the achievement of a better sea through preservation of marine environment and biodiversity which have close relationship with our business.
Source & Image credit: NYK