The North P&I Club provides latest updates regarding the new ECAs in China which will be introduced from January 1st,2017. However, effective from October 1st, 2016, ships berthed at Shenzhen port are required to use fuel with a maximum sulphur content of 0.5%.
Club’s local correspondents Huatai have advised that reduced sulphur limits will take effect in the port of Shenzhen from 1 October 2016. So far, Chinese authorities have implemented higher requirement on using low sulphur content fuel (not exceeding 0.5%mm) in key ports within Yangtze ECA including Shanghai, Ningbo-Zhoushan, Suzhou and Nantong from 01 April 2016. It is understood that the other core ports within the Pearl River Delta ECA will introduce the 0.5% sulphur limit on 1 January 2017 as per the original schedule.
”According to the information we obtained, in Pearl River Delta ECA, only at Shenzhen port such requirement will be implemented in advance, namely, from 01st October 2016; whilst at other key ports within Pearl River Delta ECA, such requirement will still be implemented from 01st January 2017 as per original schedule of China MSA. As advised by Shenzhen MSA, they are now working out details on these requirements and plan to issue a formal notice in the end of this month.” said Club’s local correspondents Huatai in their circular
Source: The North P&I Club