Mars Reports 2014
The Nautical Institute has issued Mars Report No 35/2014 regardingWater mist problems.
A 1600 GT vessel built in 2006 was fitted with a MARIOFF high pressure water mist fire suppression system throughout the vessel. At a routine maintenance and test programme, 22 of the wet pipe system sprinkler heads were found to be faulty and would not have operated had the system been activated in an emergency.
A photograph of a typical head is shown, with an example of a contaminated spindle.
Investigations identified: |
- The manufacturers had issued a bulletin in June 2012 identifying risks of contamination of the spindles and heads due to poor water quality, but this was not appropriately disseminated or shown on their web site. Water dosing and testing was recommended.
- The manufacturers had issued a second bulletin, also in June 2012, recommending that at least two heads from each section should be tested annually but again this was not appropriately disseminated or shown on their web site. Investigation showed that the manufacturers’ own technicians did not always follow the bulletin, often only testing the pressure drop on the system by using a drain valve rather than testing a head, or removing heads ashore for testing (this would not always identify failures as the heads would be disturbed as part of removal etc).
- The manufacturers had issued a third bulletin in May 2013 recommending increasing the standby water pressure from 25 to 40 bar to ensure that the spindles were operated when the system operated. Again this appears to have not been appropriately disseminated.
- Certain flag authorities had issued information highlighting other failures, up to 50%, found on water extinguishing systems and the need for regular testing/maintenance.
- IMO MSC.1/Circ.1432 does provide some guidance on this issue.
- It is considered that there is a high risk that the system will not work as required in an emergency unless all sprinkler systems, including the water within the system, is correctly maintained and tested.
Source and Image Credit:The Nautical Institute/ Mars Report
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