In its recently published Safety Flashes, IMCA desrcibes an incident where lifting equipment failed and a wire rope hit a crew member, causing injuries which proved fatal.
The case
A crew were lifting a 30cm (12”) pipe using manual lifting tools (wire/rope pulling hoists and pulleys) to lift the pipe. Both pulleys were attached to the upper beams of the pipe rack and the pipe was slung at its both ends. The pipe was being lifted simultaneously with both wire rope pulling hoists and pulleys.
Before the incident, the person who was hit was on a scaffolding while the pipe was being lifted.
Suddenly the pulley above the person broke and the wire rope around the pulley and the pipe went down.
The wire rope hit the person on its way down. Medical treatment was given onsite; he was then transferred to hospital where after several hours he passed away.
Concluding, this incident is not in the public domain.