IMO’s rules and regulations for suppressing unlawful acts against the safety of navigation can be seen in the wider context of the global fight against terrorism. The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (UNCTED) carries out assessment visits to countries to assess their compliance with various international security instruments and UN Security Council resolutions.
IMO participated in a follow-up visit to the United Kingdom, from 7 to 11 of October, along with experts from Interpol, the World Customs Organization and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in order to assess the country’s implementation of the special maritime security measures in IMO’s SOLAS chapter XI-2, the ISPS Code, as well as the SUA Convention and Protocols.
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Specifically, topics covered included movement of goods and persons, law enforcement, legal and criminal justice matters, countering the financing of terrorism, and countering violent extremism.
The UNCTED assessment visits are conducted on behalf of the UNSC Counter-Terrorism Committee. The visits enable the Committee to monitor, promote and facilitate Member States’ implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions and international counter-terrorism instruments.
This is achieved through information sharing on good practices and existing initiatives, and where necessary, by allowing technical assistance to improve counter-terrorism capacity in UN Member States.