Information provided by the Skuld P&I Club
The Skuld P&I Club issues circular regarding Deepening of the Channel Port of Santos – Brazil as follows:
In order to dredge and deepen the channel to the projected 15 meters depth, two rocks must be removed and the dredger YUANG DONG 007 arrived in port last week to perform the job which is expected to take about two months.
The YUANG DONG 007 was designed and built for use on the Panama Canal expansion project and is the first of its kind to be self-propelled.
Work will start now this month and during the breaking down of the Teffé and Itapema rocks, navigation in the channel will be suspended whilst blasting is performed. These periods will be of about three hours duration daily and the times of interdiction will be advised timely.
Source: The Sculd P&I Club