As the Natural Gas Public Company (DEFA) of Cyprus stated, it completed the first step of the tender procedure, for the Cyprus LNG Import Terminal, in Vasilikos Bay, which involves all the necessary infrastructure of LNG import into Cyprus.
Those three companies that issued a proposal are:
- Joint Venture China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering CO, Ltd – CPP, AKTOR S.A., METRON S.A.
- Consortium Samsung C&T, Posco E&C, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Osaka Gas
- European Consortium (DAMCO Energy S.A., ENAGAS Services Solution S.L.U., GasLog LNG Services Ltd., SNAM Spa, TERNA S.A.)
Concerning the terminal, it will include a FSRU, a jetty for mooring the FSRU, a jetty borne gas pipeline and related infrastructure.
Moreover, DEFA informs that the LNG terminal is planned to be completed in 2021. In the meantime, a part of the needed funding of the CAPEX is secured via a European grant under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) financial instrument.
Symeon Kassianides, chairman of DEFA commented
The successful result of the competitive process … is just the first milestone for the realization of a long-term project that is directly linked to the country’s energy upgrade and energy pluralism in Cyprus.