Did you know that regular stretching can lessen back discomfort and aid to enhance flexibility? Embed morning stretches in your daily routine to see the benefits!
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, a daily stretching routine can have physical and mental benefits for people of all ages. Stretching keeps the muscles loose, which lowers the chance of sprains and strains. What is more, regular stretching can help to correct muscular imbalances and alignment issues, leading to better posture.
#1 Knees-to-chest
If it feels comfortable, you can also do this stretch by bringing both knees at the same time
#2 Child’s Pose
Child’s Pose, a yoga position, can be a relaxing way to end a stretch routine
#3 Seated hamstring stretch
Having flexible hamstrings is important for overall mobility when running
#4 Toe touch
Reach the fingers toward the toes, and let the neck relax
#5 Side stretch
Gently lean your body to one side, feeling a deep stretch along the side of your body
#6 Shoulder stretch
Reach one arm across your body and gently use your other arm to deepen the stretch
Hold every stretch for 20 seconds!
If a stretch is painful, do not force the movement