North Club launched its Route Risk Advice tool, an interactive geographical route planning solution which will help users understand the hazards of a voyage.
Specifically, the tool will enable users to understand the potential hazards during a voyage, including any risks associated with the planned departure and arrival ports. Users simply plot a vessel’s route and receive a detailed report on the likely hazards along the route, allowing for the proactive management of any identified risks.
According to the Club, provides reports based on specific routes and locations in both PDF and printed formats and easy comparisons with previous reports. Users can save frequently visited routes or areas, so there’s no need to recreate a new report each time.
It is supported that voyage planning is a key element of Bridge Resource Management (BRM) forming the foundation the bridge team will use to ensure the vessel’s safe transit along its intended route.
A voyage plan (or passage plan) is a comprehensive, berth to berth guide, developed and used by a vessel’s bridge team to determine the most favorable route, to identify potential problems or hazards along the route, and to adopt bridge management practices to ensure the vessel’s safe passage.