TEC-0863 ClassNK
ClassNK issues technical information TEC-0863 regarding Appraisal services for EEDI of ships as follows:
Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI making the “Energy Efficiency Design Index” (EEDI)*1) and the “Ship Efficiency Management Plan” (SEEMP)*2) mandatory were adopted at the 62nd session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 62) held in July 2011, and will become effective
from 1 January 2013.
ClassNK has already started to offer appraisal services related to improving the energy efficiency of ships prior to the effective date of the amendments.
This ClassNK Technical Information provides information relating to the appraisal services along with a summary of the outcomes of MEPC 62.
Summary of MEPC 62 outcomes
(1) Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI were adopted that make the EEDI and SEEMP mandatory. A brief outline of the amendments is given below.
(a) The Attained EEDI of each new ship for which the building contract order is placed on or after 1 January 2013 (in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 July 2013) or the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2015, is to comply with the EEDI limit value specified based on the EEDI reference line for each type of ship in cases where the deadweight exceeds a certain value.
However, the Administration may waive this requirement up to four years. The
EEDI limit values will become more stringent in a step by step manner from 1 January 2015 by introducing a specified reduction rate from the EEDI reference line.
The EEDI reference line is the average line of the EEDI determined for existing ships of the same type expressed by an exponential function of the deadweight calculated by the IMO by using data on ships built during the ten year period from 1999 to 2008.
(b) All ships (both new and existing ships) with a gross tonnage of 400 tons or above will be required to retain a SEEMP onboard on or after 1 January 2013.
(2) A work plan was agreed on regarding the development of EEDI frameworks for ships, types and sizes, and propulsion systems not covered by the current EEDI requirements, as well as for the development of remaining EEDI and SEEMP guidelines.
(3) It was agreed that the second Intersessional Meeting of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency Measures for Ships will be held in January 2012. At the Intersessional Meeting, the following Guidelines will be discussed with a view to further improvement and finalization at MEPC 63.
– Guidelines on the method of calculation of the EEDI for new ships
– Guidelines for the development of a SEEMP
– Guidelines on the survey and certification of the EEDI
– Guidelines for determining minimum propulsive power and speed to enable safe manoeuvring in adverse weather conditions
Fore details, click here.
Source: ClassNK