STCW Rest Periods: Problems and Best Practices
- In an effort to enhance fatigue management IMO has amended the "fitness for duty - hours of rest" requirements to provide watch keepers on-board ships with increased rest periods on the latest STCW Amendments in line with the ILO MLC. Despite the fact that over the last 20 months STCW latest amendments are in place and ILO MLC is due for implementation by August the 20th a number of problems are experienced as follows: Problem # 1 : Inconsistency between work & Rest Hours IMO States in STCW Section A-VIII/1 : Fitness for duty that each crew member shall be provided with a rest period of not less than: a minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period; and 77 hours in any 7-day period. At the same time ILO MLC states the following rule on work/rest: (a) maximum hours of work shall not exceed: (i) 14 hours in any 24-hour period; and (ii) 72 hours in any seven-day period; or (b) minimum hours of rest shall not be less than: (i) ten hours in any 24-hour period; and (ii) 77 hours in any seven-day period. The inconsistency lies to the fact that despite both regulations...
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