MAN Diesel & Turbo four- stroke L48/60CR and V48/60CR engines
MAN Diesel & Turbo has released Customer Information circular No.330 regarding an increased tightening torque requirement for their 4 stroke L48/60CR and V48/60CR engines.
The tightening torque of the high pressure fuel pipes (Group437 in work card 000.30) from CR high pressure pump toaccumulator, as well as high pressure fuel injection pipes(Group 436 in work card 000.30) from accumulator to thefuel injection valve, has been increased from 280 to 320Nmon the 48/60CR engines.
MAN advises the following: For tightening the high pressure fuel pipes up to thespecifi ed torque, please refer to above mentioned workingcards. Please use only Optimol-Paste White T, (work card000.30 – Values for bolt tightening), which must be appliedon the surface of sealing cones. To provide tightness of a high pressure sealing face, thefuel deposits must be removed, before increasing thetorque (work card 435.05 – CR-components rework sealingface / Handling of high-pressure fuel pipes) |
While tightening the high pressure pipes please make sure that the torque wrench with the spanner, ifrequired mounted on a extension is in green marked position shown in picture below. Only in this position therequired tightening torque can be applied correctly.