Tag: young generation

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Want to be a maritime pilot? Top skills to watch

When Capt. Josephine Clark, a marine pilot at Port Kembla, started her career back in 2005, there were just 6 female pilots working in Australian ports. “Today we are still in the single digits. Barely any progress in 17 years,” she described to Maritime SheEO. So, what if the job becomes obsolete before some sort of gender balance is achieved? What are the key skills to watch for anyone seeking to put themselves out there for a career as a maritime pilot?  

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Let’s talk about human factors: Key considerations to move forward

During last SAFETY4SEA Forum, a dedicated panel of experts discussed about key challenges with regards to human factors and best practices to enhance safety culture and safety learning. Human factor is what drives shipping; by identifying seafarers’ training needs and skills and finding ways to mitigate risks onboard, we can ensure sustainable performance for the industry, panelists agreed.

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GMF: 6 key areas to make the maritime industry more attractive

At the Global Maritime Forum’s Annual Summit in New York, young maritime professionals discussed what actions need to be taken for the maritime industry to attract future generations. Improving human sustainability will be imperative to help the industry appeal to and retain future talent – an issue increasingly pressing for the resiliency of the entire maritime value chain.

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