Tag: vessel sinks

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Fishing boat with 44 people aboard sinks off Mexico

8 are still missing - one person found dead A charter fishing boat with 44 people aboard sank into the Sea of Cortez off Mexico on Sunday, leaving at least one person dead, the United States Coast Guard said. Eight people, seven of them Americans, were still missing late Monday night.Initial reports from Mexico are that it was bad weather and possibly waves, said Lt. Sean Groark, a spokesman for the Coast Guard. Were focused on really trying to save people. The water temperature in the Sea of Cortez is very warm, the air temperature is really warm; that increases the chance of survival. It actually increases it a lot.Twenty-seven Americans and 17 other passengers and crew members were aboard the boat when it foundered at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, about 60 miles south of the port of San Felipe, the Coast Guard said. Many were able to swim ashore, and they alerted local authorities that the ship, the Erik, had gone down. Others were rescued by the Mexican Navy.The Associated Press reported that the accident occurred on the second day of a weeklong trip, which was an annual Fourth of July ritual for many of the people on the boat.The ...

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MV SUEZ is confirmed by Oman officials to have sunk in international waters

The worlds most unfortunate ship After being hijacked by Somali pirates, released upon receipt of a ransom, and attacked by pirates soon after release last week, the MV SUEZ is now confirmed by Oman officials to have sunk in international waters.An official from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs told a state-owned Oman media company that they can confirm the Suez sank in 4,900 meters of water, posing no threat to shipping or navigation in the area. They also reported that the ship was totally depleted of fuel prior to its demise, leaving no risk of oil spill or pollution that could harm the environment.The Suezs 22 member crew, encompassing eleven Egyptians, six Indians, four Pakistanis, including Captain Wasi Hassan, and one Sri Lankan were all safely transferred to a Pakistani navy vessel prior to the ship submerging. All of the men are expected to have reached Karachi by today, where the non-Pakistani crew will be repatriated to their homes.Source: Seatrade Asia

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MV Suez crew shifted to PNS Babur

The ships is sinking The crew of crisis-hit MV Suez ship has been shifted to PNS Babur after Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir ordered the arrangements to save lives.According to the sources, the freed ship was sinking due to rough weather, report said. The Egyptian owner of the ship abandoned the crew and ship.CNS Bashir ordered to shift the crew of ship to naval ship on human grounds. Whether the freed men would be brought to Karachi or Gwadar it has not yet been decided, Navy sources said.Earlier, the Captain of MV Suez appealed to the ministry of foreign affairs and the Chief of Pakistan Navy seeking immediate help in view of their vessel being caught in strong winds feared capsizing since its release with 22-member crew of board by the Somalian pirates and series of misfortunes latest among them the break down of the tug towing MV Suez.Source: United News

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27 confirmed killed in ship sinking off the Borneo coast

93 people have been rescued safely - search and rescue continue Rescuers have found 27 bodies and temporarily stopped searching for scores missing after a wooden ship sank in waters off South Kalimantan province on Monday, rescuer said on Tuesday.The accident took place more than two hours after the ship with more than 100 people on board departed from Tanjung Dewa of the province at midday, Head of Search and Rescue Office of the province Rusli Ansyah told Xinhua over phone from the province.The ship was heading to Sorongga, he said."We have found 27 bodies until today (Tuesday)," said Ansyah.As many as 93 people have been rescued safely, he said.He said that seach and rescue will resume on Wednesday at 08:00 a.m. local time after the rescuers, comprising of those from local search and rescue staff, police, navy and volunteers, temporarily stopped looking for the victims at 17:00 p.m.local time on Tuesday."We will search again tomorrow morning, the number of the missing is still unknown, but we believe that there will be still scores of those go missing as the number of passengers exceeds that at the manifest," he said.According to Ansyah, there is no official data about the manifest ...

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Search for missing crew in fatal ferry sinking off the Borneo coast

74 people have been rescued safely Rescue workers are looking for more than a dozen people still missing after an overcrowded ferry sank off the Borneo coast. Indonesian officials said at least 18 people had drowned in the incident off South Kalimantan.Officials told reporters that the wooden ship was over-crowded, carrying four crew and more than 100 passengers. Shipping is a main form of transport across the archipelago and accidents are not uncommon.The boat had departed from Tanjung Dewa and was heading towards Serongga, officials said."So far we have found 18 bodies. As many as 74 people have been rescued safely," said the head of Search and Rescue Office of the province, Rusli Ansyah.The cause of the accident is unknown. Offcials said there was strong waves and wind when the boat sank late on Monday.Indonesia comprises of more than 17,000 islands.Overcrowding, high seas and poor safety standards have caused many fatal accidents.Source: BBC

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Oil tanker sank at Chittagong Port spilled oil into the sea

The oil spill was limited to one km so far An oil tanker that sank overnight at the Chittagong Port was spilling furnace oil into the sea, raising fears of pollution. But officials said the spill was limited to one km so far.We are concerned about the pollution but it is unlikely to be very high as only one of the caps of the tanker was open to spill the oil, while the tanker was not fully loaded... The preventive measures could easily deter the spillage, Deputy Conservator of the Chittagong Port Authority Nazmul Alam said.Source: The Hindu

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A ferry sunk in the Bengawan Solo river in East Java

Three people are dead and five are missing The bodies of three people aboard a ferry that sunk in the Bengawan Solo river in East Java on Tuesday night were recovered on Wednesday, with as many as five others listed as missing.Kasiyanto, an emergency official, identified the deceased as Nurin Nikmah, 16, Nurul Wijayanti, 16, and Agus Priyanto, 35.The missing were named as Yana Oktaviani, 15, Veti Maya Nurhidayah, 15, Sri Parti, 16, Ketut Arisanto, 30 and Darsini, 40.Some 32 passengers were believed to be aboard the ill-fated vessel when it went down near the village of Padang.Police are investigating and Search and Rescue officials are scouring the river.Source: Antara News

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Indonesian ferry Balibo sank in rough waters

Cyclone Carlos Hits a Ship Indonesian passenger ship Balibo sank after it ran into a gale on Pukuafu Strait, East Nusa Tenggara, following tropical cyclone Carlos. The ship carried 33 passengers, 27 six-wheel and two-wheel autos.The ship was hit by sea waves of more than three meters in height. No life was claimed during the incident.Spokesperson of Kupang transportation authority, Arnol Yansen, said today that the ship was plummeted into the sea on Bui Merah waters. "All passengers are rescued. The ship sank in Wednesday evening and cannot be evacuated yet due to bad weather," said Arnol.Arnol said huge waves and strong wind were formed in minutes, dragging the ship about several miles into the sea. "It finally knocked rock formations on the shore," said Arnol.A passenger told VIVAnews that the cyclone was really terrifying. "Dark clouds brought heavy rains and strong wind to us. The sea waves were huge causing the ship to be diverted from its initial course, which led to Pantai Baru Rote Harbor," said Nuel Ndolu, the passenger.Head of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency of Kupang, Purwanto, warned people about the Carlos Cyclone, which still circulates around East Nusa Tenggara. "The cyclone is likely to still ...

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10 foreigners missing following tour ship accident

Vietnamese tourist ship sank Ten foreign passengers are missing after a Vietnamese tourist ship sank this morning off Ti Top Island in Ha Long Bay.The foreigners are from Russia, Britain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, America, Japan, France, Switzerland and Sweden.Nine foreign and two Vietnamese passengers have already been saved by local search and rescue teams.Initial findings are pointing to a leak in the engine room as the cause of the accident.The QN 5198 ship named Truong Hai left Bai Chay Port yesterday afternoon carrying tourists who were visiting the bay.Local search and rescue teams are continuing their search for the missing.Source: Vietnam News

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2 lighterage vessels sink at Chittagong Port

7 crew still missing Two cement clinker laden lighterage vessels capsized at the outer berth in Kutubdia channel on midnight of Monday after collision with mother vessel MV Ramshir.There were 2,700 metric tons of clinkers in the capsized vessels, port sources said. Out of total 26 sailors of the two vessels, 19 were rescued and 7 still missing till writing this report.Port sources said these lighterage vessels MV Titu-21, MV Titu-22 were moving towards Munshigonj with clinker.At that time another mother vessel MV Ramshir collided with these lighterage vessels and left the vessels sank. At the same incident MV Titu-16 also affected with collision. Immediate after sinking, 19 sailors were rescued by another lighterage vessel.Port authority rescue team, coast guard and naval forces vigorously searching the missing crews from early morning yesterday but yet to be traced. Port sources said the navigation in port channel not hampered with the incident as it happened at outer berth.All vessels including the mother vessels and capsized vessel belong to Abul Khair Group of company and M/S Litmond is the shipping agent of these vessels, sources said.Source: New Nation

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