Tag: UN

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UN Sec-Gen: Plastic waste will surpass the number of fish in oceans

The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, called the shipping industry for solutions concerning oceans' pollution, as he quoted that the plastic waste that exists in the oceans, will surpass the number of fish that live in them, addressing the emergency state the oceans are in. The discussions that were focused on how to deal with plastic debris and oceans' pollution were conducted during an event, part of June's G7 meeting in Canada. 

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Possibility of oil spill from moored tanker outside Yemen

Humanitarian Affairs Chief Mark Lowcock alerted the UN Security Council that an aging oil tanker moored outside Yemen's Hodeidah port was at risk of exploding. The moored tanker was close to Yemen’s recently demilitarized Hodeidah port. During his speech, he highlighted that 'The spill could reach from Bab el Mandeb to the Suez Canal, and potentially as far as the Strait of Hormuz.'

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Ports Australia to give emphasis on sustainability

Ports Australia published a document highlighting sustainability. Named Ports and a Sustainable Australia, the report presents efforts from ports around the country to improve Australia for future generations. The report is separated into five categories provided by the World Ports Sustainability Program that sorts the UN Sustainable Development Goals in a way that can be applied to Ports.

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