Tag: Swedish Club

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US sanctions create payment problems

The Swedish Club has previously advised that sanctions against Iran cause payment problems because banks have proven reluctant to make any payments having even a connection with Iran notwithstanding that the payment may be perfectly legitimate. In line with its previous announcement, the Club now informed that the problem is not isolated to Iran.

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Swedish Club: Complying with the 2020 sulphur cap

The Swedish Club published the report 'Sulphur Guide', to provide technical and legal advice to the shipping industry to comply with the 2020 sulphur cap. It analyzes technical considerations when making the decision between operating with low sulphur fuels and retrofitting scrubbers and explains the implications, both in terms of compliance and in relation to the terms of any charterparty in place.

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Disconnected harness leads to fatal fall

The Swedish Club provides lessons learned from a fatal accident on board a bulk carrier. Namely, an AB had connected a fire hose to a fire hydrant and was spraying water, while also wearing a safety harness. At that time the hatch covers were open. As the harness became tangled with the fire hose, the AB briefly unhooked it. However, the pressure in the water led him to lose his balance and fall 16 metres down into the cargo hold.

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Lessons learned: Improper distribution of fumigation pellets leads to explosions

As the Swedish Club informs, a bulk carrier had loaded yellow corn in all cargo holds up to the hatch coamings. After the loading, fumigation technicians fumigated the cargo with fumitoxin pellets. A couple of hours later an explosion took place in one of the holds. The fumigant pellets in each hold had not been distributed across the entire cargo surface, or applied to the subsurface.

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Fall from ladder causes fatal accident because of lack of safety

In its latest cargo claims review, the Swedish Club informs of a fatal accident of a stevedore, that was caused because of lack of safety measures when working in the vessel's cargo hold. After two stevedores finished their job in a cargo hold, they had to climb a vertical ladder, a spiral staircase and another vertical ladder to exit the cargo hold. Finally, one of the stevedores died by falling from the last ladder, as he climbed it with one hand and didn't wear a safety harness.

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