Tag: South Africa

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South African ports’ cargo volumes increase

South Africa's port of Durban resulted with an overall throughput of 2.975 million TEU, increased from the 2.699 million in 2017. That’s an rise of 276.000 TEU for the year, equal to over 10%, which will be a boost to Transnet Port Terminals (TPT). Nationally the increase on containers was 5.3% with the total for all ports reaching 4.833 million TEU, according to the Mercury.

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Drewry: More than 40 capesizes to be unemployed in 2019

Drewry reported that due to the latest disaster at the Brazilian mine, Córrego de Feijão, it is possible that the Capesize demand will be decreased by approximately 35-40 vessels in 2019. In a timeframe of one year, one Capesize vessel transfers two million tonnes of iron ore from Hedland to Qingdao, while the same vessel ships just 0.7 million tonnes in a year from Itaqui to Qingdao.

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Saudi Arabia discusses building oil refinery in South Africa

Saudi Arabia has its eye on constructing an oil refinery in South Africa as part of a pledge to invest as much as $10 billion in Africa’s most developed economy, according to Bloomberg. The Saudi Aramco and South Africa's Central Energy Fund are to conduct joint surveys based on a refinery and petrochemical complex. The negotiations highlight South Africa’s aspiration to add a refinery, which it has under consideration for a decade.

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Japan focuses on port project in Angola

Trading company Toyota Tsusho and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation are joining forces on a port project in Angola that will be the largest of its kind for Japanese businesses, according to Nikkei Asian Review. Both companies aim to raising 70 billion yen ($643 million) from public and private lenders in Japan. Their goal is to help the African fund the effort. 

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