Tag: slow steaming

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How speed reduction can contribute to emissions reduction: Defining terms and measures on the table

In an exclusive interview with SAFETY4SEA, Dr. Harilaos Psaraftis, Professor at the Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Management Science Division of Technical University of Denmark (DTU), clarifies the difference between the terms “speed optimization” and “speed reduction” and how speed reduction can lead to GHG emissions reductions.

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Carriers to reduce ULCV impact by delaying deliveries

Carriers will be able to limit the capacity inflation of the ultra large container vessels (ULCVs) that are to arrive the following years by delaying deliveries and slowing services, according to Drewry. According to the current orderbook, the overall number of orders is approximately 460.000 TEU for 2019, whereas Drewry predicts that in 2020 the calls will reach about the 620.000 TEU, reaching a record.

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