Tag: safety measures

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Paris MoU launches Harmonised Verification Programme (HAVEP) on passenger ships

Focus on passenger ship safety The 27 member States of the Paris MoU will focus their attention onpassenger ship safety in 2013. In May 2012 the Paris MoU Port State ControlCommittee agreed to organise a Harmonized Verification Programme(HAVEP) on operational controls on passenger ships. The HAVEP will last fortwelve months, commencing on 1 January 2013 and ending on 31 December2013.During the HAVEP, Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will witness an operational control comprising a standard emergency scenario which will include a simulated machinery space fire, a passenger evacuation and muster drill and an abandon ship drill which will include lowering of lifeboats to the water and taken away under power. During the inspection attention will also be given to the on-board decision support system, ship/shore communications, SAR plans, records of crew training, supply of emergency power and operation of watertight doors.The main purpose of the HAVEP is to verify that:In the event of a shipboard emergency the crew can organise themselves into an effective team to tackle the emergency; The officers and crew can communicate effectively with each other and with shore based support and rescue services; The Master is in control and information is flowing to/from the command centre; ...

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Action Plan adopted to address operational safety of domestic ferries in the Pacific region

The Pacific Forum , organized by IMO An Action Plan to address key concerns surrounding the safety of domestic ferries in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) has been adopted by a forum on the subject, organized by IMO and held in Suva, Fiji, from 30 October to 2 November 2012.Recent losses of domestic ferries worldwide, including the sinking of the Rabaul Queen in Papua New Guinea in February 2012, have increased awareness of the need to consider a more holistic approach to domestic ferry safety. The Pacific Forum provided an opportunity for PICTs, development partners and key organizations and the maritime industry as a whole, to collaborate in discussion. The intention now is to develop regional support to address specific national solutions, thus ensuring that domestic ferry safety policies, procedures and activities will be effective, sustainable and relevant to local situations.The Pacific Forum focused on a number of broad issues related to domestic ferry operation including safety programmes, vessel-specific concerns, legislative, regulatory and compliance matters, seafarer training and certification, operational issues, search and rescue and safety awareness activities.Current and emerging domestic ferry safety issues were discussed at the Forum, as well as concerns and trends from international, regional ...

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