Tag: safe navigation

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Canada imposes further navigation restrictions and flooding measures

Marc Garneau, the Canadian Minister of Transport, issued a new Interim Order expanding areas in which navigation is not allowed in certain areas of flooding in order to protect the safety of people and vessels, and help first responders do their jobs in flooding conditions. The public is also called to stay off all flooded waterways in Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick to ensure navigational safety, and prevent damage to infrastructure and the environment.

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NAPA, ChartWorld to provide AI voyage optimization

NAPA, a maritime software, services and data analysis provider and ChartWorld, a digital chart agent, announced their partnership to provide artificial intelligence-driven voyage planning and optimization. The solution incorporates modules for evaluating the operational efficiency of past voyages. It then uses this data to improve the efficiency of future transits where there are similar variables and trends.

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Watch: How can digitalization improve harbour craft sub-sector

Digital technology has helped SMEs in the harbour craft sub-sector to seize new opportunities and make large steps in improving operational efficiency, enhancing capabilities and upskilling workers to achieve better job satisfaction and work-life balance. With an electronic booking system misudnerstanding with the counter can be prevented,while it will also help save time in finding the location of the vessel based on GPS.

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MPA Singapore, IALA promote E-Navigation

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore is co-organising a workshop with the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) to support the operationalisation of e-navigation solutions. This is the first workshop since Singapore's election to the IALA Council in 2018. The MPA-IALA e-navigation workshop will take place from 8 to 10 April.

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