Tag: Qatar

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US urges Qatar to compete Russian gas in Europe

The US wants Qatar, which is the leader on LNG supply globally, to compete Russia's gas dominance in Europe, according to Reuters. The US are under conversation with Doha about supplying Europe with LNG, as it wants Germany and other countries to import Qatari and US gas rather than from Russia, which now accounts for 60 percent of German gas imports, as reported by Deputy U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette.

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Turkey launches ship-to-ship LNG transfer

Turkey launched the world's biggest ship-to-ship LNG transfers on January 2 in the mediterranean port of Dortyol, Mehmet Tecimen, oil utilities regional director of Turkish Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAS) announced. Turkey aims to limit dependency on pipeline gas through FSRUs, and therefore, these units dock at ports close to regions with higher gas demand. 

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Phase II of Hamad Port to begin in early 2019

Phase II of Hamad Port development is set to be declared before the end of 2018. The project will be launched in the beginning of 2019. The Minister of Transport and Communication, stated that the first phase of the project concerning equipment, operation and clearance has been completed. Later on, the port will go through some major changes during the second phase of the project. 

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