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Interview with Michael Francioni, RINA

S4S: What was the biggest Safety & Environmental protection improvement over the last 10 years? How did it change the industry? M.F: As a classification society, we had big improvements and important steps in rules and regulatory developments. Certainly, the balance between safety and environment became much more important than before.  We had actually an important step in the approval of the Common Structural Rules which were approved by the IACS last December. Also, we have important works going on in the safety over the container ships and a lot of issues going on in environmental parts with several regulations coming up and lot of work done by the various class societies individually and also IACS for implementation of these regulations.   S4S: Do you realize the growing momentum for investing in eco -ships? What are the relevant services and offerings you may provide? M.F: Eco- ship has been a new venture in ship building and in the order book of new buildings. Surely the market has changed, the market is very different than what used to be just a few years back and there are a lot of things that the class society is doing in this aspect. Honestly, ...

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