Mindfulness and gratitude go hand in hand
The field of Positive Psychology, which emerged in the 1990s, offers valuable tools to foster better mental health, particularly the practices of gratitude and mindfulness.
Read moreDetailsThe field of Positive Psychology, which emerged in the 1990s, offers valuable tools to foster better mental health, particularly the practices of gratitude and mindfulness.
Read moreDetailsAlthough numerous meditation techniques are available to foster mental stability and develop mindfulness, one of the simplest and most approachable methods is the body scan meditation.
Read moreDetailsBeing aware of our emotions is crucial for making decisions that truly benefit us. Developing emotional awareness involves taking time to reflect on and keep track of our feelings.
Read moreDetailsA stressful incident can make the heart pound, breathing quicken, muscles tense, and beads of sweat appear—signs that the body has activated its fight-or-flight response.
Read moreDetailsMindfulness refers to a moment-by-moment nonjudgemental awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.
Read moreDetailsInstead of rushing from one place to another, mindful walking encourages you to focus on the sensations in your body, helping you to notice and appreciate your surroundings.
Read moreDetailsWhy are people in some parts of the world living until a hundred years of age? Is it an ancient secret? Is it luck? Maybe, but it’s mainly lifestyle choices.
Read moreDetailsMindful eating starts with being conscious of every bite you take. It involves employing mindfulness techniques to cultivate a heightened state of awareness towards your eating habits, sensations, and emotions.
Read moreDetailsFor Sanjam Gupta, Founder, Maritime SheEO, wellness transcends mere physical health; it encompasses the harmonious integration of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Sanjam actively pursues a balanced lifestyle through a nourishing diet, regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and fostering positive relationships.
Read moreDetailsMindfulness is a universal human capacity that transcends culture and religion. It is an inherent aspect of being human, a state of awareness accessible to all of us.
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