Marshall Islands calls for new global target to cut shipping emissions
In a submission to the International Maritime Organization, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, has called for the setting of a new global target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping, a growing sector currently left out of international climate negotiations. The Marshall Island’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Tony de Brum issued the following statement regarding the submission to the Maritime Environment Protection Committee’s 68th session in May: “The goal of keeping global temperature rise under 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius requires action from all countries, and all sectors of the global economy. International shipping must be part of the action. While the sector currently contributes only 2-3 per cent of global emissions, its projected growth is a real cause for concern. Without urgent action, it is estimated that the sector could soon account for between 6 and 14 percent of global emissions – as much as the entire European Union emits today.” “Back under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, only industrialized countries were instructed to work with the International Maritime Organization to take coordinated action to limit shipping emissions. Since then, we have seen too little movement on the issue, and global shipping emissions have continued to rise ...
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