In line with MARPOL Annex V The Skuld P&I Club has issued a loss prevention article on the disposal of cargo residues in line with MARPOL Annex V.Preparation of cargo holds for the carriage of their next intended cargo is a critical element of bulk carrier operations, requiring careful planning and competent execution.Under the updated MARPOL rules, the same diligence needs to be applied when disposing of the associated cargo residues and wash water and this article examines some of the important elements to bear in mind.As well as controlling the discharge of operationally generated garbage into the sea, the revised MARPOL Annex V, which entered into force on January 1st,2013, provides restrictions on the disposal of cargo residues which remain on deck or in holds following loading or unloading of cargo.The new Annex V reverses the historic presumption that garbage may be discharged into the sea based on its nature and the distance from shore. It recommends that ships use port reception facilities as the primary means of discharge of all garbage.For more information, please click below to read Skuld's articleSource: The Skuld P&I Club
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