Tag: Lithuania

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Lithuania LNG port expects to turn into a Baltic hub in 2021

Lithuania's LNG import terminal, 'Independence', is expected to double its LNG volumes after the opening of gas pipelines to Poland and Finland, 2021. The pipeline opening will turn the Baltic Port into a regional hub. 'Independence' mostly imported Norwegian LNG for domestic use, using a fifth and a third of its annual capacity of 2.7 million tonnes of LNG, after changing in 2017, along with its first US cargo import.

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Maritime Labour Convention 2006: Latest ratifications

More countries ratify the Maritime Labour Convention TheMaritime Labour Convention, 2006 or MLC, 2006 is an international labour Convention adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It provides international standards for the world's first genuinely global industry.Widely known as the "seafarers' bill of rights," the MLC, 2006 was adopted by government, employer and workers representatives at a special ILO International Labour Conference in February 2006.It is unique in that it aims both to achieve decent work for seafarers and to secure economic interests through fair competition for quality ship owners.The following are the latest ratifications of MLC 2006.GermanyGermany becomes the43rd ILO Member State and the 17th European country to ratify theMaritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006), a landmark convention which constitutes the fourth pillar of the international maritime legal regime complementing key Conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with decent working and living conditions for seafarers and conditions of fair competition for ship owners. Germany has around 350 registered vesselstotallingmore than 15,3 million gross tonnage under its flag and is the third country of ownership in the world. The port of Hamburg, third largest seaport in Europe, 14th world's largest container port and second largest European container port, is a ...

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