ITOPF: 10,000 tonnes of oil lost due to spills in 2024
Ten oil spills of more than seven tonnes were recorded from tanker incidents in 2024, the same number as in 2023, according to ITOPF.
Read moreDetailsTen oil spills of more than seven tonnes were recorded from tanker incidents in 2024, the same number as in 2023, according to ITOPF.
Read moreDetailsAs the maritime industry accelerates its pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, hydrogen has garnered significant attention as a potential alternative fuel, particularly in its compressed and liquefied forms (LH2).
Read moreDetailsITOPF has published its Oil Tanker Spill Statistics report for the year 2023 and it shows 10 oil spills of more than seven tonnes occurred in the year.
Read moreDetailsData from ITOPF shows that seven oil spills of more than seven tonnes were recorded from tanker incidents in 2022.
Read moreDetailsITOPF staff made a trip to Brest, France as some of its team visited Cedre’s facilities to take part in a four-day exchange of experience and theoretical and practical training.
Read moreDetailsData from ITOPF shows that six oil spills over 7 tonnes were recorded from tanker incidents in 2021. This is a slight increase on 2020, but on a par with the average for the 2010s and a dramatic reduction from the numbers reported in earlier decades.
Read moreDetailsMr. Oli Beavon, Managing Director at ITOPF, highlights that although there has been a reduction in oil spill accidents, maritime stakeholders should remain vigilant. In any accidental marine spill, quick response is vital; in that regard, ITOPF cooperates with different maritime stakeholders in order to build its technical knowledge.
Read moreDetailsThe International Group of P&I Clubs, the IOPC Funds and ITOPF have collaborated on a new booklet on liability and compensation for ship-source oil pollution in the marine environment.
Read moreDetailsIn 2020, there were only 3 incidents where more than 7 tonnes of oil were spilled, according to annual ITOPF statistics of oil spills from tankers. The total volume of oil lost in all 3 incidents was approximately 1,000 MT, making it amongst the lowest on record.
Read moreDetailsAmid complex legislation regarding the discharge of any hold wash water from vessels, operators may find it more prudent to transfer petcoke wash water to shoreside facilities for processing rather than discharge at sea in order to avoid potential environmental issues and possible litigation or fines, UK Club advised.
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