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SeafarerHelp Assisted Over 7700 Seafarers in 2014

ISWAN issues 2014 Annual Review for SeafarerHelp SeafarerHelp is the free 24 hour multi-lingual helpline for seafarers run by the International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN).ISWAN have just produced the 2014 Annual Review for SeafarerHelp which reveals that last year has been busy for the helpline with a 53% increase in the number of calls to SeafarerHelp and a 19% increase in the number of seafarers assisted.In 2014 the SeafarerHelp team dealt with 1,920 new cases and helped over 7,710 seafarers. Since 2011 there has been a dramatic growth in the number of calls coming into SeafarerHelp and the number of seafarers assisted - there has been nearly a 270% increase in the number of calls and over a 250% increase in the number of seafarers helped.The most common problems seafarers faced were upaid wages, problems with repatriation, contractual problems, sub-standard conditions on board and health issues. There were a lot calls requesting information and seeking employment.Number of casesIn 2014 the number of new cases dealt with by the SeafarerHelp team was 1,920, involving 7,710 seafarers.Most of the contacts that SeafarerHelp receives are referred on to specialist organisations for direct assistance. These include the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) ...

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