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Update: Testing of ore fines in India

The West of England P&I Club informs that India has now approved eDOT Marine Laboratories to use the modified Proctor / Fagerberg test for iron ore fines. A table include the newly revised list of DGS approved laboratories has been released. The table also includes the validity of their approval, and the test methods which they are authorized to use.

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Notice of Carriage of the solid bulk cargoes not listed in IMSBC Code

ClassNK - TEC 0889 ClassNK issues TEC-0889 regarding Notice of Carriage of the solid bulk cargoes which is not listed in IMSBC Code from the Singapore GovernmentThe Singapore Government has noticed (MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE SHIPPING CIRCULAR TO SHIPOWNERS NO.22 OF 2011) of the carriage of IRON ORE FINES which is not listed in IMSBC Code and the cargo may liquefy.For more information, click here.Source: ClassNK

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Could ‘Contaminated Soil’ be carried under IMSBC Code?

Depends on the substances of contamination in the soil and the transboundary movement of waste The BIMCO Marine department was requested to provide advice on whether"Contaminated Soil" could be shipped as a solid bulk cargo in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code.First and foremost, "Contaminated Soil" is definitely NOT one of the listed cargoes in the IMSBC Code, where carriage requirements are specifically laid down for its transport.Bulk shipment of "Contaminated Soil" would have to be considered separately under a section called "Carriage of solid wastes in bulk" in the IMSBC Code. "Wastes", for thepurpose of the Code,are defined as solid bulk cargoes containing or contaminated with one or more substances which are subject to the IMSBC Code and which are substances applicable to classes 4.1 (Flammable solids etc), 4.2 (substances liable to spontaneous combustion), 4.3 (substances contact with water, emitting flammable gases), 5.1 (oxidizing substances), 6.1 (toxic substances), 8 (corrosive substances) or 9 (miscellaneous dangerous substances/articles) of the IMDG Code, and are transported purely for dumping, incineration or other methods of disposal. Section 10.6 of the IMSBC Code further lays down how the waste material in terms of it presenting hazardous properties shall be determined and classified ...

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