Tag: ILO Convention

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ICS Co-ordinates Maritime Employers at Important ILO Meeting

ICS co-ordinated employers’ representatives from over 20 national shipowners’ associations at the second meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee for the ILO Maritime Labour Convention. New amendments to the MLC will be considered for adoption by the next session of the ILO International Labour Conference, with the entry into force of the amendments anticipated in late 2018. Meanwhile, efforts to make the necessary preparations for the amendments adopted in 2014 (regarding financial security for crew claims and cases of abandonment) continue apace in view of their entry into force in January 2017.

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ILO issues Compendium of Maritime Labour Instruments

Feat. MLC, Seafarers ID Convention and the Fishing Convention ILO published Compendium of Maritime Labour Instruments' book containing its three landmark Conventions adopted for seafarers' better working and living conditions: the first is one of the International Labour Organization's most innovative and successful international labour Conventions, the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and other related Conventions, the Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention, (Revised) 2003, and the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007.1) The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), which entered into force on 20 August 2013 and at that date already applied to 30 Members with a total share of nearly 60 per cent of the world gross tonnage of ships, is often described as a charter for decent work or a "bill of rights" for the world's maritime workers and a framework for creating a level playing field for shipowners. Governments, seafarers and shipowners all regard the adoption of this Convention as a landmark development for the world's most globalized sector.2) The Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185), reflects important new maritime concerns. Seafarers typically work as part of a multinational crew, for a foreign shipowner on a ship flying the flag of still another country. Ships' voyages usually ...

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