Tag: ICS

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Guidance on the construction and use of citadels

The document has received approval from Round Table members Industry has produced a set of guidelines aimed at giving guidance on the construction and use of citadels in waters affected by Somalia piracy. The document has received approval from Round Table members - INTERTANKO, BIMCO, ICS and INTERCARGO - as well as other industry associations. NATO, EUNAVFOR and the Combined Maritime Force (CMF) have also approved the document.A citadel as defined in BMP4 is "A designated pre-planned area purpose built into the ship where, in the event of imminent boarding by pirates, all crew will seek protection. A citadel is designed and constructed to resist a determined pirate trying to gain entry for a fixed period of time."Since January 2010, there have been 26 cases where pirates have actually boarded vessels, but have been unable to take control because the vessel's crew have all successfully sought refuge in a pre-planned citadel. However, there have also been five cases where citadels have been breached - these may be attributed to a number of factors including poor construction and location of the citadel. With the use of citadels increasing, the pirates have similarly gained experience in defeating a citadel - this includes ...

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Norwegian Shipowners’ Association director general warns on emissions rules

Sulphur regulations will drive fuel costs to a level that will dwarf the impact of carbon policies Norwegian Shipowners' Association (NSA) Director General Sturla Henriksen has warned of the effects of trying push the shipping industry too hard to improve its already good emissions performance.He told delegates to last week's International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) conference that beyond a certain point imposing additional burdens on the shipping industry could "cause modal "backshifts" and reduce shipping's capacity, resulting in increased overall GHG emissions, reduced global economic growth and competitive distortions to land based industries".He referred to a study commissioned by NSA from Price Waterhouse Coopers that predicted that sulphur regulations will drive fuel costs to a level that would dwarf the impact of carbon policies.Mr Henriksen also referred to an impact assessment by the Nordic Legal Defence Club which supported ICS's preference for a levy-based, "fuel-linked" CO2 compensation system. This assessment found that a levy system was: better suited to meet IMO criteria, less bureaucratic and easier to administer, more transparent and simpler and also allows for passing on costs."I believe," said Mr Henriksen, "that the way forward is through one, single global system; within IMO, based on the following criteria. ...

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ICS urges New Zealand to retain anti-trust immunity for liner trades

The International Chamber of Shipping urges for changes to maritime competition regime The International Chamber of Shipping has urged the New Zealand government to consider practices in other parts of the world when it considers making changes to its maritime competition regime. The subject of carbon dioxide dominated the latest of Germanischer Lloyd traditional forums to recap the most recent session of the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee.

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Global Shipping Industy calls for UN armed force against Somali pirates

ICS, BIMCO, INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO demand a The global shipping industry (represented by the Round Table of international shipping associations) has called for the establishment of a United Nations force of armed military guards to tackle the piracy crisis in the Indian Ocean, which it says is spiralling out of control.In a hard hitting letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), BIMCO, INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO demand a "bold new strategy" to curb rising levels of piracy which have resulted in the Indian Ocean resembling "the wild west".The letter states: "It is now abundantly clear to shipping companies that the current situation, whereby control of the Indian Ocean has been ceded to pirates, requires a bold new strategy. To be candid, the current approach is not working."Regretting the increasing necessity for shipping companies to employ private armed guards to protect crew and ships, the letter continues: "It seems inevitable that lawlessness ashore in Somalia will continue to breed lawlessness at sea."The shipping industry organisations - which represent more than 90% of the world merchant fleet - say they fully support the UN's long-term measures on shore aimed at helping the Somali people but are concerned that ...

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International Shipping Lifeblood of World Trade

The vital importance of shipping to the world economy ICS has produced a new updated short DVD film- International Shipping: Life Blood of World Trade- to explain the importance of shipping to the health of the world economy, and to convey the message that shipping is safe, clean and comprehensively regulated. The film also stresses the vital need for global regulation for a global industry. In addition to being used with audiences of policy makers, the film can be used as a tool at exhibitions and in careers talks to young people.

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An ICS certification to shipping jobs

ICS certificate helps in getting better opportunities in shipping profession A qualification from the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) exposes people to new world of commercial shipping, said Capt J.P. Menezes, former President of the Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI).Speaking at the inauguration of ICS training programme for 2011-12 at KCCI here on Friday, he said that the ICS certificate helps in getting better opportunities in shipping profession. Apart from India, this also opens job opportunities overseas.In the ICS examinations conducted in April 2010, the Mangalore centre recorded a pass percentage of 54 per cent. He said this is one of the good results in ICS examination. All students appearing for exams should appear for four subjects - introduction to shipping, shipping business, economics of sea transport and international trade, and legal principles of shipping business - during the first year, he said.Ms Lata Kini, President of KCCI, said that it was in April 2009 Capt Menezes proposed the idea of setting up a centre for ICS examination in Mangalore. Regular classes for students started on June 1, 2006.She said that Mangalore is among the 80 examination centres worldwide. In order to retain the facility, a minimum entry ...

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Shippers call for Asia Pacific Liner Conference Ban

ICS says consortiums are needed to deal with trade imbalances Shipper representatives called on Asia Pacific regulators to follow Europe's lead in banning liner conferences."The remaining immunities from antitrust rules hurt Europe's competitors as much as they hurt us," Nicolette van der Jagt, secretary general of the European Shippers' Council, told JOC."Shipping is international by nature, and international trade relies on it being able to flourish and respond directly to the needs of trade, not to own or collective ambitions."The plea came after the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) urged New Zealand's Productivity Commission to maintain its exemption of liner practices such as conferences and consortia agreements from the competition provisions of the New Zealand Commerce Act. The Commission is conducting an inquiry into the performance of international freight transport sector in New Zealand."ESC believes that in the European post-conference environment it is imperative that we protect the advances made in Europe by supporting shippers elsewhere in the world to remove similar block exemptions for shipping lines," van der Jagt said.John Lu, Chairman of the Asian Shippers' Council, said cooperation between lines was anathema to free trade. "They act like he cartels and they drive up the cost of transport," ...

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ICS surges New Zealand to retain anti trust immunity for liner trades

New Zealand should be consistent with the APEC Guidelines The International Chamber of Shipping has urged the New Zealand Government to consider the benefit of current practices in other parts of the world when it considers making changes to its maritime competition regime.In a paper submitted to the New Zealand Productivity Commission, ICS comments:"We believe that New Zealand should take full account of the recognition given by other competition authorities to the benefits of current practices, such as liner conferences and consortia, in terms of efficiency of world trade, and the implications for national economies and the interests of consumers. We respectfully suggest that this is especially important for nations such as New Zealand that have such a very high dependency on the availability of reliable maritime services in order to maintain their position as major trading economies."ICS highlights current practices in Australia, the United States, China and other Far Eastern countries, pointing out that "whatever might be decided for reasons of national competition policy, ship operators trading to and from New Zealand are part of a global shipping market, and that the various maritime competition rules that apply in the Asia Pacific are currently broadly in alignment."We suggest that ...

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ICS Releases Guidance on Arms and Guards on Board Vessels

ICS welcomes further information from Flag States to update The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS in association with the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA), has compiled a useful reference document collating the policy and rules of Flag States on the carriage of arms and private armed guards on board vessels.The document, providing tabulated information on Flag States rules, has been added to the ICS website and is proving to be a popular reference tool for shipowners and other interested parties within the shipping community.Kiran Khosla, ICS Director of Legal Affairs and secretary of the ICS maritime law and insurance committees, says:When the information is compiled together like this it is interesting to see the similarities and variations in approach throughout the international community. Piracy remains a major cause for concern among shipowners and the wider shipping industry and we are not surprised that members are keen to ensure they are up to speed with the latest recommendations and advice. The consensus view among ICS national shipowner associations remains that private armed guards are a clear second best to military personnel. However, in view of the current crisis, ICS has had to acknowledge that the decision to engage armed guards, whether ...

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