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Environmental Legislation Outlook

Stamatis Fradelos, ABS, provides an overview of latest green shipping developments including the BWM Convention, the unsettled implementation scheme and the USCG requirements, the establishment of the North Sea area (including the English Channel) and the Baltic Sea area as new NOx ECAs and the IMO decision on the applicability of global sulphur cap 0.5% after 1 January 2020.

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Wartsila’s feedback on EGCS

Ole-Johan Øby Svendsen refers to Wärtsilä’s portfolio which includes inline and venturi type scrubbers, system configurations including open loop, closed loop and hybrid systems and presents a case study of OPEX, CAPEX and payback time for open loop, closed loop and hybrid as well as some selected reference projects along with the main figures of the reference list.

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How to burn the most affordable fuel

Considering the forthcoming regulations and the real short pay-back time for newbuilds applications, Marco Dierico, DuPont, says that the marine scrubbers can provide the industry with a mature technology limiting the constraints and the availability uncertainties of sourcing the 0,5% sulphur fuel. Scrubbers will be the bridge to an LNG future fleet in 2030, he argues.

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Sustainable policies of EU ports

Sotiris Raptis, ESPO, refers to the sustainable policies of EU ports and says that EcoPorts has become the main environmental initiative of the European port sector to address current environmental challenges. It has provided a system developed by ports for ports, specifically designed to put ESPO’s policies into practice by encouraging the free exchange of experience on environmental issues among its members.

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