Stamatis Fradelos

Stamatis Fradelos

Stamatis Fradelos is Vice President, Regulatory Affairs at ABS. Prior to joining ABS, he was the Regional Bulk Carriers Segment Director in DNV Business Development team providing insight into future business initiatives, market drivers and services for inclusion in local and regional business plans and following regulatory and technological developments focused on bulk carriers. Stamatis has worked as a marine field surveyor for five years at the Hellenic Register of Shipping, spent six years at Lloyd’s Register as a Plan Approval Engineer and yachts’ Surveyor and more than six years at ABS in different roles as Principle Engineer at Operational and Environmental Performance team, manager at Advisory Services, business development Director and representing ABS on the IACS Environmental Panel.

Stamatis has a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, a M.Sc. in Marine Technology and Science and a M.Sc. in Engineering - Economic Systems.

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Environmental Legislation Outlook

Stamatis Fradelos, ABS, provides an overview of latest green shipping developments including the BWM Convention, the unsettled implementation scheme and the USCG requirements, the establishment of the North Sea area (including the English Channel) and the Baltic Sea area as new NOx ECAs and the IMO decision on the applicability of global sulphur cap 0.5% after 1 January 2020.

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Environmental Regulatory Developments

During the  2015 GREEN4SEA Forum, Stamatis Fradelos, Principal Engineer, ABS provided an update on the most important international and regional regulatory developments in the environmental arena that we will have to cope with in the near future, highlighting also the most interesting submissions that will be discussed at the forthcoming MEPC 68 next month.

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